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To maintain and ensure the health of the dogs, we ask that all our boarding clients stay away from dog parks and other dog facilities where they could contract kennel cough, etc. for at least 10 days prior to staying with us.

Our dog boarding facility is small, which allows us the ability to give the dogs more attention and attend to the specific needs of each individual dog. Since we are a training facility as well, we incorporate a level of basic manners into our everyday routine with each dog.

At The Arvada Dog Den, each dog has his/her own individual indoor-outdoor run so that he/she may roam in and out as he/she pleases. The doors are closed at night and during inclement weather. The runs are cleaned and sanitized daily.

The boarding area has been freshly remodeled with brand new Gator Kennel front doors and doggie doors for cleanliness and safety. Gator Kennels are manufactured in the USA and guaranteed to be free from harmful and heavy materials, nonflammable, water/urine resistant, mold & microbe resistant, and they do not contain silicone or lead. Also, the Gator Kennel doors help minimize the noise. Thus, keeping the kennel quieter and calmer for our canine guests. Most doggie rooms are large enough to accommodate 3 large canine breeds comfortably.

We have brand new Kuranda beds for the dogs. Kuranda beds are orthopedic and chew proof. Not to mention, easy to clean and sanitize! We can put your dog’s bed, blanket or towel on top of the Kuranda bed if you’d like. However, to make it easy for our clients, we have plenty of blankets and safe doggie toys. Hence, it is less hassle and packing for you. Just let us know what you prefer and we will create the space you’d like for your dog.

The Arvada Dog Den has its own septic system enabling us to clean and sanitize thoroughly to avoid cross contamination. The owners live on the premises and with a veterinarian on call at all times.

Boarding Rates:

  • Daily Boarding - $37.00
  • Dogs 90lbs. or more ADD $3.00
  • Heavily Coated Dogs 90lbs. or more ADD $10.00


  • Exercise - $5.00 (extra time in play yards, walk around the property and pond, etc.)
  • Nail Trim - $15.00
  • Dog Bath - $27.00 and up, Varies per dog
  • Labor Intensive Medication - $3 per application (i.e. injections, eye meds, ear drops etc.)

What to bring:

  • If it is your first visit, please allow an extra 5 minutes to fill out the paperwork.
  • Current vaccine records for the Distemper, Rabies and Bordetella. For your convenience, you can have your veterinarian email your dog’s current vaccinations to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (THIS EMAIL IS FOR VACCINATION INFORMATION ONLY)
  • Enough dog food for the duration of your dog’s stay
  • A towel, blanket or something with the scent of the family so your dog feels at home
  • Optional - One or two toys that are safe. Kongs and Nylabones are suggested
  • If your dog is on medication at home, please bring the medications in the original prescription bottle

Check In:

  • Check-in day is charged as a full day regardless of check-in time, please call to schedule a check in time.

Check Out:

  • Please call to schedule your pick up time, its FREE before 10a.m.
  • Extended stay between 10:00a.m. and 12:30p.m. charge of $15
  • After 12:30p.m. is a full day charge of $35.00

Hours of Operation:

Monday – Friday:
8:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m.

Saturday & Sunday:
8:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
3:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.


IMG 3863

IMG 2204

Why Visit Us?

  • Family Owned and Operated! Open 7 days a week!
  • Staff on site 24 hours a day!
  • State of the art air ventilation system - Uses ultra violet lights to keep dogs healthy!
  • Climate controlled - dogs are never too hot or too cold!
  • Outdoor generator - for power outages!
  • All breeds welcome!

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns!

(303) 424-7703